Ream Stories

 Hey there! Prefer getting content through a hassle-free monthly subscription? You can find my current WIPs on Ream Stories before they are published in long-form. Check it out!

Imagine escaping a dangerous enemy and discovering an unexpected family and life. That's exactly what happened to me when I fled from the Dragon Souls and ended up with the Hell's Hounds. But what I never expected was to fall for the bad-boy biker who was assigned to watch me. As our bond grew stronger, a new threat emerged, putting everything we had at risk. Now, I'm ready to do whatever it takes to keep him and the club safe, even if it means putting my own life on the line.

This is a read-as-I-write and is book 3 in my Hell's Hounds series. Books one and two are available on Kindle Unlimited. 

My father sent me to Nod to kill the beauty he made for his newest creation. In turn, I'll finally be allowed to go home. But her beauty rivals anything I've ever seen, and I'm not sure going home is an option anymore. Lilith was made for Adam, but he wasn't man enough to keep her. When she is banished to Nod, he thinks it's the last he will see of her. He's very wrong because she's stronger than he or Adonai ever gave her credit for.

This is a read-as-I-write, ongoing story also available on Vella!

On the outside, Anya Jones has a life other people dream of. She has a job she loves, a cozy apartment, and a loving, supportive family. But inside, she's broken. After a nasty fall from her apartment balcony, she finds herself navigating a new world with only the angry elf mercenary to guide her. Together, they navigate the many dangers found in Altara along with the Cruel King and his mission to call all of Altara his. Will Anya survive to find her way home?

This is a read-as-I-write, ongoing story also found on Vella!

Delia Thomas. 
I can't catch a break until I land a job at Breaks, where, for the first time in years, I'm making friends and loving my job. But the other shoe always drops. Michael Swift is a bar regular who's easy on the eyes but has an extra grumpy side.

Michael Swift.
The human bartender is an annoyance I don't need. So, why do I keep trying to be her savior? As a vampire, humans are nothing more than lunch to me, but I find myself doing everything I can to keep her alive and happy.

This is a read-as-I-write, ongoing story also found on Vella!

Check Them Out Here!

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Goodbye June

  Hey there! Just wanted to remind you about the exciting stuff happening this week. I'm putting the finishing touches on Fallen Flames,...